Our invention with prizes at the exhibition in Geneva

Photo of team representatives with awards received at the exhibition in Geneva

The project has already been awarded in Poland, now it has gained recognition abroad

The device for monitoring the vital signs of infants during sleep, which detects signs of cot death, was appreciated at the International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva. The idea received a gold medal from the international jury of the exhibition and a special prize from the National Scientific Council of Thailand.

The creators of the solution are students and researchers from the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering: Julia Wilk, BSc, Mikołaj Miszczak, BSc, Michał Skibiński, BSc, and Jan Piliszczuk, BSc, as well as Edyta Rola, PhD, and Prof. Cezary Rzymkowski.

The award-winning device consists of a sensor system with an information processing system that identifies the occurrence of cot death in the infant. SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) affects children who appear to be completely healthy and happens primarily during sleep. The causes of cot death remain unexplained, which is why it is so dangerous.

The system invented by the WUT inventors consists of a pressure mat (folding) placed in the child's bed, a band/bracelet adapted to the size of the baby's hand, put on the wrist, as well as a transmitter and receiver, which is placed in the parents' room and alarms about the occurrence of a situation dangerous to the child's health. The solution uses a neural network with a sequential architecture. Thanks to this, it is possible to adjust the criteria for identifying the occurrence of a life-threatening situation for a specific infant. This makes it possible to detect the occurrence of a threat much more accurately than in existing devices.

Success in Geneva is not the first time you the idea from Warsaw University of Technology has been recognised. This year the device has already been awarded in the nationwide competition "Student-Inventor"

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