An article written by Andrzej Borkowski, PhD, on the evaluation of BIM development was published in the prestigious Journal of Information Technology in Construction.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) facilitates the design, construction, and operation of buildings and infrastructure projects. This technology ensures that architects, engineers, and specialists – all those involved in the project – have simultaneous access to consistent information regarding the physical and functional aspects of the facility.
– There is no consensus among BIM practitioners and theorists as to whether the technology is an evolution from CAD systems or a total revolution in construction – says Andrzej Borkowski, PhD, from the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography. – There have been many important events in its history, and the approach of users to the use of BIM has changed – he adds.
In the article "Evolution of BIM: epistemology, genesis and division into periods," published in the prestigious Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon), the researcher presented the theory of cognition, which is essential for understanding the history of BIM. The aim of the conducted study was to periodize BIM in view of various factors that may be relevant to researchers and companies using or implementing this technology. The division presented in the article was based on three aspects: idea, approach, and organizational culture.
– The development of the BIM idea established the direction in which systems and software development was heading, the user approach forced interoperability and the organizational culture emphasized increasing efficiency – explains Andrzej Borkowski, PhD.
This is the first such attempt to organize the evolution of BIM. Our researcher also proposed original definitions for the building information modeling standard.
Andrzej Borkowski, PhD, is the third Pole in history whose work has been published in ITcon. The article's content is available here.