Our students’ space project presented to the world

Photo of three students at the information board about the 74th International Astronautical Congress

WUT representatives at the 74th International Astronautical Congress in Baku

Our students once again took part in the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) and presented the results of their project.

The representatives of our University presented a paper on the test campaign of the hybrid rocket engine for the Twardowsky rocket developed in the Student Space Association.

The paper ”Course and challenges of flight qualification test campaign of the students’ hybrid rocket engine” describes the methodology and course of a complete test campaign of a hybrid rocket engine which will be used for the rocket flight. The authors presented the challenges of such campaign, connected with engine subsystems, predictability of its work, infrastructure or development of a relevant mathematical model, used for simulation. The article summarizes their successful work on the hybrid drive of the Twardowsky rocket, the first flight test of which took place in September this year.

Photo of a man standing at a lectern, a large screen showing a presentation, and a man sitting in the front row with a laptop on his lap

Our students presented the paper ”Course and challenges of flight qualification test campaign of the students’ hybrid rocket engine”

The authors of the article were students of the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering: Marek Dzik, Bartosz Hyży, Damian Legutko, Pavel Chernenko, Alicja Kwitek and Jakub Czerniej.

The International Astronautical Congress is the largest and oldest regular space event in the world. For our representatives it was an excellent opportunity to meet outstanding specialists from various fields of the sector, as well as to learn about the current research trends and get lots of inspiration.

This year’s Congress was held in Baku on 2-6 October 2023.  

Our students’ participation in the Congress was possible thanks to the support of the Warsaw University of Technology, the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering and the company Boeing through the University Relations Grant awarded to the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering.

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