Sae AeroDesign, Facebook
Students of WUT have proved once again that they are one of the world’s leaders in designing and building unmanned aerial vehicles.
Three first places, one second and two third places – these are the results of the Interdepartmental Students Research Circle SAE AeroDesign in international contest that was hold from 21 to 23 of April in Lakeland.
WUT team won in several classifications:
1st place in general classification in Regular class
2nd place in general classification in Advanced class
3rd place in general classification in Micro class
1st place for biggest Payload Transported in Regular class
1st place for biggest Payload Fraction in Micro class
3rd place for drop accurancy in Advanced class
Interdepartmental Students Research Circle SAE AeroDesign works at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering. In the AeroDesign Competiton, students from WUT have been taking part for 25 years already, being at the same time the most titled team.