PhD admissions at WUT

Photo of two women in the laboratory

Admissions are open in 9 disciplines

7 January 2024 is the closing date for registration to the Doctoral School of the Warsaw University of Technology. Those admitted will start their education in the summer semester of the academic year 2023/2024 (i.e., in February). 

Admissions to the WUT Doctoral School are a competition within the particular disciplines. Candidates to the Doctoral School may be persons who:

  • hold the degree of magister, magister inżynier or an equivalent one, awarded in Poland or in another country,
  • have at least the good grade on their diploma,
  • are not doctoral students in another doctoral school.

Admissions step by step

  1. Contact the chosen potential supervisor to get their consent and define the initial subject of the doctoral dissertation. To find a potential supervisor you may use the database of supervisors and research subjects. Here you will find the list of supervisors, check admissions numbers for specific academics, and you will see the research areas of potential supervisors.
  2. Register in the IRK system. Submit the required documents there.
  3. Qualifications interviews will be held from 18 to 24 January 2024.
  4. On 30 January, the ranking list is planned to be published (important - it will not be the list of persons admitted).
  5. If you are on the ranking list, you have a few days (from 31 January to 4 February) to submit additional documents in the IRK system: a document certifying the professional title entitling you to apply for admission to the School (diploma), and if you have no diploma, a certificate on passing the diploma examination issued by the Faculty/Institute (if the abovementioned documents were not uploaded to the system earlier) and a declaration on the choice of the doctoral school/scientific discipline.

    Remember that to be admitted to the Doctoral School you are required to submit the full set of the required documents, obtain at least 60% of points in competition proceedings and be within the admissions limit defined for a given scientific discipline.

    Admissions for the summer semester are open in 9 disciplines:

    • automatic control, electronics, electrical engineering and space,
    • information and communication technology,
    • biomedical engineering,
    • chemical engineering,
    • materials engineering,
    • mechanical engineering,
    • mathematics,
    • chemical sciences,
    • management and quality studies.
  6. Pursuant to the schedule, the lists of persons admitted will be published on 7 February. After the publication of lists of persons admitted to the Doctoral School, the Doctoral Students Service Department will inform persons who are on the list about the next steps, such as deadlines for submission of originals of admissions documents.

The summer semester begins on 19 February. 

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