Professor Krzysztof Kulpa, PhD, DSc, and University Professor Piotr Samczyński, PhD, DSc, from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology are winners of the SET Panel Excellence Award 2020. The award is granted by the Panel Sensors & Electronics Technology (SET), which belongs to the Science and Technology Organization (STO), operating within NATO.
Our researchers have been recognised for their efficient and active leadership of international teams of experts, and for organising and conducting technology tests.
Professor Krzysztof Kulpa has been the leader of the group NATO SET-242 Passive Coherent Locators on Mobile Platforms, and Professor Piotr Samczyński – of the group NATO SET-258 Deployable Multiband Passive/Active Radar Deployment and Assessment in Military Scenario. The groups comprise leading researchers from all over the world, specialising in radar technologies, in particular in cutting-edge solutions related to passive radars and fusion of passive and active radars.
Thanks to the engagement of our researchers, it has been possible to combine the efforts of both groups and, in consequence, organise and conduct in Poland a NATO exercise called APART-GAS (Active Passive Radar Trials – Ground-based, Airbone, Sea-borne). Its main aim was to test the available prototypes (also those developed by Warsaw University of Technology researchers) and their cooperation with the network of active radars.
The measurements were conducted in a few locations in North-West Poland in September 2019 and they were attended by scientists, as well as participants from the industry and the military. Over 70 participants representing science, industry and the military participated in the APART-GAS exercise; they were from ten counties – 8 NATO countries, including Poland, and two PfP (Partners for Peace) countries: Switzerland and Australia.