The scientist heads the Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics Department of Industrial Electronics at the Warsaw University of Technology. This achievement culminates his long-standing work with and service to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), of which IEEE IES is a part.
Prof. Mariusz Malinowski was elected IEEE IES President-Elect for 2020–2021 during the latest meeting of the IEEE IES Board in Lisbon on October 18, 2019 and is set to serve his term as IEEE IES President in 2022–2023.
Prof. Malinowski was Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine (winner of the prestigious Award of Excellence conferred by the Society for Technical Communications) and Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics and the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. He was involved in hosting over 20 IEEE international conferences. Currently, he chairs the IEEE Poland Section and serves as Vice President for Publications at the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. He holds the IEEE Fellow status, the highest membership grade conferred in recognition of the person’s extraordinary records of accomplishments in technology or organization.
The trail of awards and distinctions marking Prof. Mariusz Malinowski’s career path include: the Siemens Prize for his doctoral thesis (2002); the Siemens Research Prize (2007); the Prime Minister of Poland Award for Habilitation (2013); and the Prime Minister of Poland 1st Team Prize for the scientific and technical achievement (2017). He has also received the following international research awards: IEEE IES David Irwin Early Career Award for “Outstanding research and development of modulation and control for industrial electronics converters” (Melbourne, Australia, 2011) and IEEE IES David Bimal Bose Award for Industrial Electronics Applications in Energy Systems for “Contributions in control of industrial electronics converters applications in energy systems” (Yokohama, Japan, 2015).
Prof. Mariusz Malinowski has been part of many award-winning implementations which have been recognized with, e.g., three times the honorary mention in the competition Polish Product of the Future sponsored by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP); the Gold Medal for the 35th International Exhibition of Innovations in Geneva, the Bronze Medal for the 56th Brussels-Innova, an international exhibition of inventions, research and new technologies; and the Polish Minister of Economy Special Prize “eCO2 Innovation” for the development of an innovative eco-friendly product. Prof. Mariusz Malinowski and his team were also handed the Warsaw University of Technology Scientific Award for outstanding achievements in successful scientific and technology transfer to business (2015).
During his career, he has been a visiting scholar and professor at the following institutions: Aalborg University (Denmark), University of Nevada (Reno, USA); Technical University of Berlin (Germany); Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Marıa (Valparaıso, Chile); University of Cergy-Pontoise (France); ENSEEIHT – Laplace, Toulouse (France); and ETH Zurich (Switzerland).
Two other Poland’s nationals are on record as having been elected presidents of their respective societies; these are Prof. Józef Modelski of the Warsaw University of Technology in the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (2008) and Prof. Maciej Ogorzałek of the Jagiellonian University of Kraków (2008) in the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the world's largest technical professional society. It has ca. 420,000 members around the globe and 160 countries have their national sections. IEEE is an association of electrical and electronics technicians, engineers and scientists grouped into its 39 component societies, each focused on a certain knowledge area such as automation and robotics, computer engineering or telecommunications. Renowned as the world’s most prestigious organization in the field, IEEE publishes over 200 titles of peer-reviewed and professional journals and magazines of top research and technical quality and produces and issues standards in electrics and electronics (more than 1,250 standards so far).
A part of IEEE, the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society explores the application of electronics and electrical sciences for the enhancement of industrial and manufacturing processes. These activities address the latest developments in intelligent and computer control systems, robotics, factory communications and automation, flexible manufacturing, data acquisition and signal processing, vision systems, and power electronics. It has over 7,000 members worldwide.
Source: WUT Bulletin