Professor Krzysztof Zaremba re-elected Rector of WUT

A photo of Professor Krzysztof Zaremba, Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology

Professor Krzysztof Zaremba after the elections results were announced

In the 2024–2028 term of office, the Warsaw University of Technology will be led by Professor Krzysztof Zaremba. The voting of the Electoral College was held on 21 March 2024.

– I shall press on with my efforts to make our University more friendly, perfect and beautiful – said Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba. – My main goal is still to support the Warsaw University of Technology as a friendly environment of cooperation and dialogue of outstanding scientists, teachers, doctoral students, students, administrative staff and service staff.

Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba has been connected with the Warsaw University of Technology for almost half a century – starting as a student, then as the Dean of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology. In 2020 he became WUT Rector. Prof. Zaremba’s research and construction interest combine electronics and physics. He has also done research on biomedical engineering. He has participated in international experiments, led research projects and construction and implementation projects, he was advisor of doctoral students. He has authored or coauthored over 270 scientific publications. He has held many functions in Polish and international organisations, committees, councils, expert groups. Since 2022 he has been member of the Board and President of the Education Committee of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland.

Plans for the second term of office

The plans of Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba for the next four years are in line with the Development Strategy of the Warsaw University of Technology until 2030. They concentrate on five main areas: University based on democracy and tradition; friendly University; research University, a source of engineering inspiration; European educational centre; beautiful University, socially and spatially integrated.

The Rector consistently focuses on communication, especially when taking key decisions for the University, and on rational centralisation. He is planning an active discussion with other universities and the Ministry, establishment of the University Convent as an external advisory body and building relations with graduates, for example through establishing a system of Warsaw University of Technology Ambassadors.

– A good place to work and study is a place where differences between people fade away – says Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba. – In the coming term of office I will strive towards integration. New organisational ideas, investments, social events and communication tools must contribute to building trust and bringing people closer.

The actions aiming to make WUT more friendly include: establishing new social areas on WUT premises, development of sports infrastructure, development of scholarship offer and psychological help, more support for English-speaking staff, doctoral candidates and students.

– It is my ambition for the Warsaw University of Technology to globally strengthen its position in the scientific world – emphasises the Rector. – We also need to aim for the status of a leading centre making not only a creative contribution to knowledge but also shaping trends in technology development, a place of creating innovative concepts. We must remember that we are educating specialists not for the present but for the future needs of the market.

To achieve these goals, Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba wants first of all to develop and implement University policy of scientific development, establish the Council of Young Scientists, provide more support, both financial and organisational, to student research groups and their supervisors, as well as develop mobility schemes. He also plans to implement a central management system of relations with the social and economic environment entities.

His plans in the area of education include development of digital tools that facilitate the organisation of teaching and self-study, development of grant schemes, investment in new modes of study, including greater flexibility of study programmes, extension of the offer of university-wide courses, establishing the Education Support Centre, establishing first micro-curricula – short-term formats of student exchange and work on improvement of the system of micro credentials certifying the acquired knowledge and skills.

– WUT premises must be environmentally friendly, highly energy efficient, optimally designed and used – stresses Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba. – Our campus is a natural place for research in this field.

The next big goal is to draw up a complex long-term variant-based plan of development of Warsaw University of Technology campuses, in order to present it as an investment application connected with the 200th anniversary of technical education in Warsaw to be celebrated in 2026.

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