The app originators are students of the WUT Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology (EiTI)
There is no tomato soup like the one to Mom’s recipe. Grandma’s homemade pancakes are the best of all time. We would always have baked cheese baguettes at our good pal Janek’s. Certainly, we all like going back to the flavors of our childhood. Priceless culinary recipes are passed down through generations. How to make sure none of them gets lost in the pile of cooking books? WUT students have devised a solution by harnessing artificial intelligence (AI).
The app Chefs’: Create Recipes & Cook is a product designed by students of the WUT Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology for all those who are looking for an intuitive tool to store their recipes and find new ones. The idea came from Bartłomiej Gajda and Michał Grzeszczyk, who are passionate about using advanced technology to make everyday life easier.
We have developed an AI module within our app to easily convert a photo of a recipe taken from a cooking book/Internet into a digital format. Virtually no other apps offer such a solution. Additionally, Chefs’ users can share their recipes with their friends, automatically add online recipes and view recipes of other users and search recipes by name, ingredients, etc., say the students.
It all started at the Uni...
The idea for an app was conceived at the University, where Bartek Gajda created the first prototype app for a course in mobile application development at the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology.
At the time, a competition was launched that the students decided to enter and take their chances. Having formed a team of three, Bartek and Michał together with Maciej Kutrowski prepared a mobile app using HiAi, advanced AI tools available on Huawei phones. Those tools helped them in implementing enhanced functionalities.
The competition’s judging panel welcomed Chefs’ with great enthusiasm. Their innovative approach and design concept earned the WUT students the top spot in the competition.
Their innovative approach and design concept earned the WUT students the top spot in the competition.
How does it work?
Following the competition, Michał and Bartek continued to develop the app to include new functionalities so as to refine the app before it could be released to broader audiences.
At this time, users can add their collected recipes either manually or by taking a photo in an AI-enabled process. As such, the app recognizes components such as the recipe name, ingredients and directions. An important feature is that data can be directly modified and edited once automatically downloaded. Recipes that have been stored in the app can be shared with other users.
What’s for dessert?
The authors say that the upcoming months will see a campaign communicating Chefs’ as an AI-driven app. The product is consistently being improved and enhanced with new functions. New users and dozens of new recipes are added daily.
The app attracted great interest as the program Seeds For The Future rolled out, with the three WUT students shortlisted to top 10 finalists.
The app is available free of charge at the following stores: Google Play and Huawei App Gallery.