Rector’s Announcement regarding coronavirus disease (COVID-19) [update]

Important information for students and employees.

  1. International trips and arrivals of students, PhD students and employees are being suspended from today onwards until further notice (regulation by the WUT’s Rector).
  2. People who have so far  incurred financial liabilities regarding a trip abroad, have to make a decision whether to travel at their own risk. After returning, they should stay home for 2 weeks and work remotely from there. Students are required to stay for 2 weeks in their place of residence and continue education on their own. The deans are obliged to make it possible to make up classes related to the students' absence during this period.
  3. Employees, students and PhD students returning from private trips from countries with an increased number of COVID-19 cases are obliged to stay home for 2 weeks and work or study there.
  4. In relation to delegations, arrivals and trips abroad, please contact the International Cooperation Center of the Warsaw University of Technology:

In case any disturbing symptoms are noticed, there are useful tips included in the attachment available at this link.

In urgent cases, students and WUT employees may ask their questions to CenterMed consultants either by phone (+48 22 592 48 77 or +48 22 592 48 78 - 24-hour service in Polish and English) or by e-mail (SOS@CENTERMED.PL (PL) or HELP @ CENTERMED.PL (EN)).

Please read the Recommendation issued by the Minister of Science and Higher Education after the meeting of the Team coordinating the activities of the system of higher education and science concerning the threat of COVID-19.

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