Opublikowano: 02/12/2020 2:52 pm
Priceless capital – WUT graduates’ view of the quality of education and their professional situation is the result of a MPCA survey by the Warsaw University of Technology.
- Qualifications of the research and teaching staff, curricula and teaching quality were best rated by 2018–2020 WUT graduates.
- As regards the reasons for choosing WUT, graduates from the years 2018–2020 most often indicated the reputation and prestige of the university.
- Students who graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Sciences, the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Mechanics and Petrochemistry, the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering and the College of Economics and Social Sciences were the most satisfied with their studies (an average of 7.4-8.2 on a 1–10 scale).
- Graduates of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology and of the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Sciences are the top earners.
- Of the surveyed 2018–2020 graduates, 78% work at commercial companies, 14% of whom found internships through the university.
- Of the 2011–2020 graduates, 44% declare that they were already working before graduating, and 52% of those looking for employment after leaving university found a job within less than 2 months.
- Most of them (91.2%) work in Poland. The percentage of people employed abroad is the highest among graduates of third cycle study programs (14.3%). Most of the surveyed graduates working abroad are employed in Germany (39), the UK (37), and Switzerland (30).
- More than half of all respondents (53.5%) declare that they speak a foreign language at work on a daily basis. Almost half of all the surveyed graduates (48.6%) said that the foreign language classes they attended at university improved their language skills.
- Most of the surveyed WUT alumni (72%) currently live in cities with more than 500,000 residents. Only 26% of them lived in such cities at the age of 16. Almost all graduates (90%) stayed in the Mazovia Region after graduating.
- 37.3% of the survey participants are interested in staying in touch with the University and another 20.2% declare they will be interested in it in the future, reporting their willingness to participate in scientific, cultural and development activities organized by the WUT.
The above data represent only a small fraction of the insights provided by the survey. The full report will soon be available on the website of the WUT Career Services Office, in the Alumni section.
The MPCA survey is prepared by the Warsaw University of Technology Career Services Office. The survey is technically managed and the report is drafted by the Warsaw University of Technology Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management (CZIiTT), Research and Analysis Department.
Significant changes have been introduced in the methodology of this year’s edition of the survey, so that it takes less time for the graduates to fill it out, with the information needs of the University still being met. An important change is the fact that the survey now differs depending on the participant’s professional experience and the number of years elapsed since their graduation.
The Monitoring of Professional Careers of WUT Alumni is a quantitative study carried out using an online survey form. 3211 graduates took part in this year’s edition.
The study was conducted in the following areas: Respondent’s profile, Education path, Study satisfaction, Graduates’ professional situation, Knowledge and skills, and Staying in touch with the university.
Additional general conclusions from the report:
- Younger alumni are less likely to work in larger companies (with more than 250 employees), representing a mere 57.7% of all the 2018–2020 graduates. For 2004 and earlier graduates, the figure was at 75%.
- Most of our alumni (87.3%) say they are happy with their lives.