Scientific assistance in the fight against crime and terrorism

Photo of the interior of the Mobile Forensic Platform

Mobile Forensic Platform consists of six modules

A team from the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology co-created the Mobile Forensic Platform (MPK) to quickly collect and analyze data from the place of a terrorist attack or disaster. The tool can support the Police and Border Guard in their work.

MPK is a forensic laboratory installed in a 20-foot collapsible container. It consists of six modules. They enable crime scene documentation, biological and dactyloscopic tests, secured cell phone and CCTV analysis, and event reconstruction based on ballistic data.

Module Capabilities

– The crime scene documentation module allows for the creation of a map of the area by using 3D laser scanning and images taken from an air platform (drone) – explains Professor Jędrzej Mączak from the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery of the WUT, and the project manager.

Owing to the biological research module, it is possible to obtain the DNA profile of the perpetrator or victims of the attack. You can take a DNA sample from a secured item from the crime scene, determine its profile, and submit it for searching in forensic databases (DNA Database). It is also possible to create a local elimination database of those participating in the inspection. This separates their traces from the evidence of the perpetrators and victims of the disaster.

The fingerprint module works similarly. It can reveal traces from an object secured at the crime scene (through trace visualization techniques) and send them to be searched in forensic databases (AFIS). In this case, it is also possible to create an elimination database.


How does it work?

– The main objective of the Mobile Forensic Platform is to aid investigative teams conducting an investigation of the vast and forensically complex place of the incident directly in its vicinity – points out Prof. Mączak. – A mobile container laboratory, regardless of its configuration, cannot totally replace a stationary forensic laboratory, but it provides the possibility to quickly verify the selected evidence.

The platform can be powered directly from the power grid (if one is available nearby), but it also has an autonomous power supply system that includes a built-in power generator and a voltage support system.

– The solution can function in a variety of terrain and atmospheric conditions due to the self-leveling system and automatic air conditioning and ventilation. – explains Prof. Mączak – It also has the necessary approvals for loading and transportation by land, sea, and air.

The platform was developed in response to the Police's specified requirements. However, because of its modular structure, it can be configured to meet the individual needs of the customer.

Photo of the presentation of the Mobile Forensic Platform for the First Deputy Police Commander in Chief and Provincial Police Commander in Kielce during the POLSECURE Fair

Presentation of the Platform to the 1st Deputy Police Commander in Chief of Police and the Provincial Police Commander in Kielce during the POLSECURE Expo

Teamwork and the WUT's role

The creation of the platform is the result of the work of a consortium composed of: Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery (Leader), Wojskowe Zakłady Łączności Nr 1 S.A. and company Hagmed.

The main task of the researchers from the WUT was to organize and build most of the forensic modules of the platform. The core of the WUT team was Professor Jędrzej Mączak (project manager), Krzysztof Szczurowski, Ph.D. and Marcin Jasiński, Ph.D.

– In the field of forensic equipment, we also sought the assistance of external experts, experienced forensic scientists – says Prof. Mączak.

The prototype of the platform was presented at the Border Guard Training Center in Kętrzyn, the Police Academy at Piła, the Police Training Centre in Legionowo and during the POLSECURE 2022 International Police and Security Expo.

The project took third place ex-equo in the "Innovations for Security and Defence" competition, which was organized under the honorary patronage of the National Security Bureau and the NCBiR (National Centre for Research and Development), and received the award for the best product at the POLSECURE 2022 Expo.

Photo of the statuette awarded to the Mobile Forensic Platform during the POLSECURE Fair. You can see the platform in the background

The platform is recognized in industry competitions.


Project no. DOBR-BIO9/04/02/2018 titled "The Mobile Forensic Platform for rapid identification at the scene of a mass casualty event - terrorist attack or disaster" financed by the National Centre for Research and Development as part of the competition No. 9/2018 for state security and defense.

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