Scientists from the Warsaw University of Technology want to use thermal energy from sewage to heat some University buildings. It is an important move towards circular economy.
The first stage of the work covers analysis of the possibility of use of sewage collectors located in the vicinity of the Warsaw University of Technology buildings for heat recovery. This will enable to develop a concept of an installation which will recover this heat from the sewage network. It is also important to prepare the methodology describing the design and implementation of technical solutions with heat pumps. The second stage is construction of the installation, which is planned in the PW Main Campus.
Promising results
The first stage has been completed. The scientists have analysed the temperature and physical and chemical properties of sewage and operating conditions of sewage collectors in the vicinity of the PW Main Campus and Akademicka District. Sewage samples were collected in seven chosen inspection chambers. A multi-faceted analysis of available solutions of the system of exchangers and heat pumps and heat demand of PW buildings proved both the possibility and the efficiency of use of sewage waste heat with heat pumps.
– The collected data on temperature and intensity of sewage flow confirm potential possibilities of use of sewage heat in the sewage network – says professor Apoloniusz Kodura from the Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering, project leader.
Research results are especially important in the context of implementation of the concept of sustainable development of Warsaw and the need of decarbonization of the city’s energy and heating policy.
– Sewage waste heat transported to a treatment plant along main pipelines in the ground which stabilises their temperature is an excellent source to power heat pump evaporators – explains professor Kodura. – Introduction of the solutions presented in the report will contribute to increased diversity of heat sources used in cities and it is in line with the concept of SmartCity. At present we are working on the application for the second stage of the project.
The team led by professor Kodura consists of academics from the Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering, specialising in the issues of heat supply, heat pumps, sewage systems and physical and chemical parameters of sewage and hydraulics, comprising: Marta Chludzińska, PhD, professor Katarzyna Umiejewska, professor Jarosław Chudzicki, Professor Piotr Ziętek, Marian Rubik, PhD.
The Warsaw Water and Sewerage Company has decided to support the project. A relevant cooperation agreement was signed by the WUT Vice-Rector for Development, professor Adam Woźniak and President of the Warsaw Water and Sewerage Company, Renata Tomusiak.
– The project perfectly matches the Strategy of Development of the Warsaw University of Technology, which talks about development and implementation of innovative environmentally-friendly technologies, including effective use of resources and optimisation of energy consumption – says professor Adam Woźniak.
The Warsaw Water and Sewerage Company could in future use the WUT concept of an installation to recover heat from sewage. Now, the Warsaw Water and Sewerage Company provided the University with data needed to conduct preliminary technical and economic analyses in the project.
The project "Analysis of use of heat energy from sewage to heat selected buildings in the Warsaw University of Technology Main Campus (CiezeŚ)" is financed within the programme "Excellence Initiative – Research University" completed at the Warsaw University of Technology. The concept was supported in the first edition of the competition STRATEG PW.