Start-up from WUT awarded in "The Diamonds of the Top Industry"


NanoThea - a spin-off company from the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology was recognized as the start-up of the year in a competition organized by the Executive Club - a networking organization of top management representatives representing the most important Polish and international enterprises.

NanoThea is developing a tool for early and precise cancer diagnosis, available to every patient. The company was founded in 2015. Its management is made up of people associated with the Department of the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering at WUT: Magdalena Janczewska (working on Ph.D.) and Tomasz Ciach, head of the Laboratory of Biomedical Engineering at the Faculty.

The "Top Industry Diamonds" competition honours companies and entrepreneurs who have distinguished themselves in the Polish industrial scene and achieved success in the new technological and economic reality. The idea of Diamonds is to promote the latest technologies and innovative industrial technology.

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