Successes in the KOKOS 2021 competition

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Four top places were taken by representatives of the Warsaw University of Technology in the national Student Structures Competition (KOKOS).

The winner in the Joker category was OKOŃ Team from Students' Robotics Association (operating at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering). This is an award for the project of the autonomous submarine OKOŃ V2.

In the Vehicle category, the second place went to Orion - a city vehicle with low fuel consumption - a project of the Vehicle Aerodynamics Students' Students’ Association (operating at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering).

The jury awarded the second place in the Smart Robots category to the NEO humanoid robot. It is a construction of an inter-university team made up of: Kamil Kaliński (Faculty of Management, Warsaw University of Technology), Tomasz Płóciennik (Wrocław University of Technology) and Filip Tomczyk (AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków).

We also have our representative on the podium in the Life Upgrade category. The third place went to the e-MaksPower Team with the e-MaksPower+ autonomous electric car project.

KOKOS is an initiative of the Independent Students' Association addressed to students of the best technical universities in Poland. The aim of the competition is to select and reward the most talented young constructors, confront their work with the demanding world of business and help in the commercialization of projects and attracting investors.

This year, awards were given in six categories: Railway, Vehicle, Life Upgrade, Smart Robots, Ecology and Joker.

The winners were announced during the virtual final gala that took place on April 25, 2021.

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