Support for the Universitat Politècnica de València

In the picture, two hands are clasped in a gesture of help

fot. pixabay

In recent days, Spain has been struggling with the effects of heavy rains and flooding. The most dramatic situation is in the Valencia region – a place particularly dear to us, as the local Polytechnic University (UPV), like ours, is part of the European university consortium ENHANCE. We encourage participation in the fundraiser initiated by UPV.

Donations can be made online through the website Every amount contributed will not only provide financial support for the affected but also serve as a gesture of remembrance.

We are in contact with representatives from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. In a letter addressed to UPV Rector Prof. José E. Capilla Romá, the Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology, Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba, assured our solidarity, care, and readiness to help.

Dear Friends, we are with you in these difficult times!

Queridos Amigos, estamos con ustedes en estos momentos difíciles!

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