Polish academic rowing champions in the eight, photo: Facebook/Sekcja Wioślarska AZS PW
The crew from the Warsaw University of Technology won the gold medal of the Polish Academic Championships.
Our eight was made up of: Michał Gulan, Bartłomiej Gzowski, Maciej Koperski, Stanisław Krasuski, Kacper Muliński, Ignacy Nojek, Łukasz Stępka, Piotr Wulczyński and the coxswain - Małgorzata Kurcjusz.
The second place was taken by the crew of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, and the third - by the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin.
The Polish Academic Rowing Championship was held in Bydgoszcz and lasted from May 14 to 16, 2021.
The complete results are available at the Polish Academic Championships site.
Information about the starts and successes of our rowers can be found at the site of the Rowing Section of Warsaw University of Technology Academic Sports Association on Facebook.