The NARSIS project was awarded the "Stars of Europe" prize

Photo of "Stars of Europe" prize

The "Stars of Europe" trophy recognizes French research groups which carry out their work in Europe

The NARSIS project, which included researchers from the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, received the French "Trophée des Etoiles de l'Europe" award in the innovation category.

NARSIS – New Approach To Reactor Safety Improvements focused on the development of new solutions for probabilistic analyses that focus on taking into account external natural events such as earthquake, tsunami, flooding, or high-speed winds.

– Our researchers were in charge of, among other things, developing a novel approach to expanded thermo-hydraulic analyses, creating severe malfunctions in order to create guidelines for the management of such events, and estimating the impact of radioactive releases on the environment – says Prof. Konrad Świrski from the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, project manager on WUT's side.

The works included also: Piotr Mazgaj, PhD, Piotr Darnowski, PhD, Prof. Grzegorz Niewiński.  

The award was presented by the French Minister of Higher Education and Research, Sylvie Retailleau at the Horizon Europe Forum on December 6, 2022.

More information about the project can be found at:

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