The Vice-World Champion on his way to the Olympic Games - blog entry

Szymon Pośnik has trained since 2008.

How much can you achieve in seven years? Szymon Pośnik has completed an engineering course at the Faculty of Mechatronics of the Warsaw University of Technology and is about to earn his Master’s degree. He is also finishing a course in management at the Kozminski University. And as if that wasn’t enough, he has won a whole bag of medals in rowing. Together with his quadruple sculls teammates, he was third in the 2018 European Championships, second in the 2019 World Championships and the best overall in 2019 World Cup. He tells us about the daily life of a rower, the long and winding road to success, and even about cross-country skiing.

"We train twelve times a week, twice a day. We only have time off on Wednesday and Sunday afternoons. One training unit lasts from about an hour to even more than two hours. The intensity and volume of exercises varies. And then come the morning routines. It all adds up to many, many hours. We push our bodies to the limit, explains Szymon Pośnik. "We prepare in Poland, for example in Szklarska Poręba, where we do cross-country skiing. We also go abroad, because our winters are not very kind to rowers. Then it’s a merry-go-round: training camps, competitions… Each participation prepares us for the event of the season. Just before the most important competitions we go to Zakopane, and then to Wałcz, where we have a water camp. Already at the venue, before the racing starts, we familiarise ourselves with the course. This is an essential part of the training."

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