The final outcome of the competition for the position of an assistant professor for the Polish Returns project

The logo of the NAWA Polish Returns Program

The logo of the NAWA Polish Returns Program

The aim of the Polish Returns Program of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) is to make it possible for outstanding Polish scientists to return to Poland and take up employment at Polish universities, scientific institutes or research institutes.

The program creates optimal conditions for returning scientists to conduct world-class research or development works in Poland. Funds granted under the Polish Returns Program are used to pay remunerations to returning scientists and also make it possible to establish project groups (research teams). National universities, scientific institutes and research institutes will be able to collaborate with specialists with internationally-gained experience and knowledge of the most up-to-date research trends in their fields of study.

Due to the participation of the Warsaw University of Technology in the program, a competition was held for the position of an assistant professor at the Institute of Automatics and Robotics at the Faculty of Mechatronics. The Committee members decided to recommend Seyed Mehdi Rakhtala, PhD, for the position, as he was the candidate who had been assessed as the best against the criteria adopted by the Committee in accordance with the Project requirements.

The Warsaw University of Technology is the program beneficiary. Project duration: 01.05.2019 – 30.04.2023. The total amount awarded to our University is PLN 2,133,000.00.

More info about the Polish Returns Program 


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