The first meeting of rectors of new „European Universities”


On 4 November 2020, Professor Krzysztof Zaremba, the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology, took part in the first joint online meeting of rectors of the European Universities selected in the first and second edition of the competition with the representatives of the European Commission and the central administration of member states.

In their speeches, the representatives of universities and the European Commission highlighted the strategic and transformational potential of the European Universities. The rectors could learn about the best practices of the first edition of the competition. Issues related to the mechanisms of approach to quality assurance, micro-credentials, automatic recognition and European degree were discussed. The role of university community’s engagement in activities undertaken was emphasised. There was also a special student meeting which made an important contribution to the joint session.

The alliances selected in the first edition of the competition have undertaken many activities, looking for ways to overcome legal, financial and administrative barriers. The ENHANCE Alliance, in the framework of which Warsaw University of Technology established the systemic cooperation with six leading European universities of technology, has a chance to draw conclusions from these experiences.

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