The meeting of technical University rectors from Kyiv and Warsaw

Photo of Prof. Włodzimierz Kurnik, Prof. Mychailo Zgurovsky and Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba

Prof. Włodzimierz Kurnik, Prof. Mychailo Zgurovsky and Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba

Prof. Mychailo Zgurovsky, Rector of the National Technical University of Ukraine – the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, visited our university. He met the current WUT Rector, Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba and the WUT Recor for the years 2005-2012, Prof. Włodzimierz Kurnik.

The talks concerned joint activities of the two universities. The Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and the Warsaw University of Technology have implemented a cooperation agreement since 2006. During the meeting, the rectors discussed updating and extending it, including in the areas of modern education and mobility of students, educators and researchers. Prof. Zgurovsky and Prof. Zaremba also discussed the participation of representatives of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in the Language Tandems project. This is one of the activities of the ENHANCE consortium of European universities, of which WUT is a member and whose associated partner is the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Thanks to this project, students, doctoral students and employees can meet people from the universities from the ENHANCE consortium and learn each other’s languages.

The rectors also discussed further visits of university representatives in Kyiv and Warsaw. This will be a good opportunity to expand the cooperation between academic staff and students of the two universities.

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