The Board of Directors of the international association of technical universities CESAER has appointed Professor Mariusz Malinowski – Warsaw University of Technology Vice-Rector for Research – as the association’s Envoy to the upcoming Polish presidency of the European Union Council.
Professor Malinowski will advise the Board of Directors and support it in the preparations for the Polish presidency and for its whole duration. He has taken up the position now and will perform it until the end of the presidency, so until the end of June 2025.
Professor Malinowski will continue the work of former association’s envoys to the EU Council presidency. These were: Rik Van de Walle (Rector of Ghent University), Guillermo Cisneros Perez (Rector of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), Staffan Bengtsson (President of Chalmers University of Technology), Vojtěch Petráček (Rector of Czech Technical University in Prague), Christian Lerminiaux (President of ParisTech), Arlindo Oliveira (former President of Instituto Superior Técnico), Ernst Schmachtenberg (former Rector RWTH Aachen University).
– I am very happy that I have been appointed CESAER’s envoy to the Polish presidency of the EU Council – says Professor Mariusz Malinowski. – For that period, my priority will be to make CESAER‘s voice stronger on the topic of increasing FP10 funding and on the policy of preventing brain drain from European technical universities, which have to compete against US and Asian universities. For WUT and Polish technical universities this will also be an opportunity to communicate closely with the CESAER Board of Directors and interest them in the problems we are facing, which are often not noticed by the EU Council.
Since 2020, Professor Mariusz Malinowski has been Warsaw University of Technology Vice-Rector for Research. He is professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. His research interests focus on power electronics, electric drives, electromobility, smart grids and renewable energy sources.
The CESAER association was established in 1990 and associates over 50 leading technical universities, mainly European ones. It promotes and supports excellence in education, research and innovations. The Warsaw University of Technology has been member of the association since 2005 as one of three Polish universities. At present, 12 WUT staff members are active in 7 task forces of the association: Learning and Teaching, Benchmark, Sustainability, Human Resources, Innovation, Openness of Science & Technology, and Sustainable Funding.