fot. CZIiTT PW
Creating services to empower SMEs to develop new products and unique business models is the main objective of a project pursued by a partnership including the WUT Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management (CZIiTT). The initiative has just received PLN 2.4 million of European Union funding.
The project called “Profesjonalizacja proinnowacyjnych usług doradczych partnerstwa Instytucji Otoczenia Biznesu Mazowsza” [Professionalization of Pro-innovation Consultancy Services by a Partnership of Mazovia’s Business Environment Institutions] will be implemented by the Polish Chamber of Commerce for Electronics and Telecommunications (KIGEiT) (leader), the Mazovia Development Agency (Agencja Rozwoju Mazowsza S.A., or ARM S.A.) and Instytut Kreowania Przedsiębiorczości Sp. z o.o. (operating under the brand name of Startup Academy).
This cooperation is meant to ensure that the solutions delivered are of high quality and have appropriate distribution channels.
The services to be designed by the partners are intended to support those planning to set up their own business in plotting their path to success and to help existing businesses enhance their competitive advantages by launching new products, business models or technologies.
The consortium will assist in identifying strengths and weaknesses of a business and in defining a list of recommendations, identifying the needs and setting the directions for business development by leveraging state-of-the-art technology, improving corporate identity and providing support for reasonable and right investment decision-making.
The WUT Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management will handle the implementation of the service “Pricing: Preparing the Business for Capital Investments” as part of the project. The service will offer a comprehensive pre-investment due diligence on a business. This will help provide effective support to university spin-offs, clients of the WUT Innovation Incubator and other innovators in pricing their business.
The project involving WUT CZIiTT will be financed under the System Modeling for Offers for Innovation (MSODI) Program, a regional project under the 2014–2020 Regional Operational Program of the Mazowieckie Province. Three other consortia have received funding under the Program. More information can be found at