WUT Foreign Language Center – a partner in an international project

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WUT Foreign Language Center – as a partner in an international consortium – was granted the funding from the Erasmus+ programme to develop an innovative model for teaching English at the tertiary level.

As indicated by the preliminary TE-Con3 research carried out in partner countries, there is no unified model of teaching English at the tertiary level. Such a model, intended for all European countries, should be flexible enough to allow for local flavour and varied academic interests but stable enough to incorporate common goals, objectives, methodologies and syllabus designs. The aim of the TE-Con3 partnership is to develop a model of teaching academic English based on a succession of content modules, dedicated to all college/university students across Europe, irrespective of their career choices and professed academic disciplines.  

The role of the Foreign Language Centre is, among others, to:

  • prepare two teaching units in the academic domain: Architecture,
  • conduct training sessions for teachers,
  • produce (with the University of Warsaw) the final version of the on-line Manual for TE-Con3 teachers,
  • organize the final TE-Con3 conference (in April 2023). 

To find out more about the TE-Con3 project, please visit the SJO webpage: https://www.sjo.pw.edu.pl/projekt-te-con3/ and the main project website: https://tecon3.wn.uw.edu.pl/.

The funding for the Foreign Language Center – a partner in the international consortium – was awarded in a 2020 Erasmus+ Competition: Action 2: Strategic Partnerships for higher education; Cooperation for innovation.  

The partner countries are: Poland (University of Warsaw, Warsaw University of Technology, and Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute for Sustainable Technologies), Estonia (Tallinn University), Germany (Humboldt-Universitaet Zu Berlin), Portugal (Universidade Do Algarve), and Romania (Universitatea Din Pitesti).

The leader and coordinator of the TE-Con3 project is prof. dr hab. Romuald Gozdawa-Gołębiowski (University of Warsaw). The leader and coordinator of the WUT Foreign Language Center partner is dr Magdalena Walenta (PhD in linguistics, MSc in architecture).

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