Our student is the co-author of an invention designed to support the blind. It is Dotsnote – a prototype printer to make notes in Braille. How does it work?
What can we do to save culinary recipes (often the priceless ones passed from one generation to another) from disappearing under a pile of cookbooks? Our students came up with a solution – Chefs’ app.
AI as a way to prevent preterm child birth. How is it possible? A team of researchers associated with the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology are working on the solution.
Active students and PhD candidates involved in promoting our University, popularizing science and bringing credit to the Warsaw Institute of Technology through their success were granted Scholarships as a Christmas gift.
Watch, listen, read
What activities are held by our University as part of the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” project? Watch a brief video and visit the website badawcza.pw.edu.pl.