WUT Open Days – online edition

This year the WUT Open Days will have a new form. Since normal university life is suspended and we cannot meet our candidates in person, we decided to move this event from the University campus to web.

If you are an international candidate who is interested in joining studies at Warsaw University of Technology, join the presentation which will be held on May 22 between 5:00 PM and 5:30 PM (CEST). You will have a chance to learn about our B.Sc. and M.Sc. offer and find out how to apply to studies in the English language. The presentation will be run by Mr Karol Maśluszczak, a staff member of the International Students Office, which takes care of admissions to full-time studies for international candidates (EU + non-EU).

Right after the presentation, you will have a chance to meet online two of our students who are currently studying at WUT and learn directly from them, what is their experience here. 

Follow the Warsaw University of Technology and International Students Office on Facebook and Instagram.

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