Artur Seliga of the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) who teamed up with the students of Lodz University of Technology (TUL): Damian Perydzeński, Jakub Wujek, Marcin Lenarczyk and Michał Andrzejczak has won 2018 Imagine Cup Poland National Finals. In July, they will be off to the United States to represent Poland in the World Finals.
Imagine Cup is a global initiative to support young businesses that use the latest technology to make a positive impact on their communities, cities, markets, and our lives. During the Finals, contenders have 5 minutes to present their project in English and answer the questions of the judging panel. The main prize to take home from this year’s Finals was USD 100,000.
The Wavy Team consisting of WUT and TUL students came first in the BigData category and won the National Finals and, thus, got an entry into the World Finals in Seattle, USA.
They impressed the competition judges with their diver locator dedicated to recreational divers which provides real-time diver location data. The data collected is transmitted to the Azure cloud where it is analyzed and visualized using an application. The Wavy Locator enables to track the diver position, making divers feel safer underwater. The device may also be used to send a distress signal.
For more information about the project visit: