WUT and the coronavirus – Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about coronavirus and WUT

Answers to frequently asked questions about WUT’s work during the pandemic.

Student affairs

  • How are classes organized in the 2020/2021 winter semester?

From October 19 until November 15 all classes will be conducted remotely. Please read the Rector's Regulation.

All classes will be conctucted remotely till the end of the the winter semester (January 29, 2021). At a reasonable request of the head of a basic or university-wide organizational unit conducting teaching activities, and with the positive opinion of the Team for the coordination of preventive measures related to the potential risk of coronavirus at the Warsaw University of Technology, in justified cases the Rector may consent to conducting classes on campus.

  • Who decides how teaching and work will be organized at particular faculties?

The dean of the faculty.

  • How does the university support remote work?

The tools which support remote learning and work include platforms such as MS Teams and Moodle. The WUT Informatization Center has prepared a guide to using them.

  • Can I visit my faculty office?

Visits to faculty offices should be kept to an absolute minimum and both students and PhD students should principally be attended to remotely – by phone, email or through MS Teams. Specific rules are determined by particular faculties.

Before you visit a faculty office, please make an appointment to avoid queues and gatherings.

  • How will internships be held?

Decisions about internships will be taken by the deans of particular faculties.

  • Can diploma examinations be held remotely?

Yes, they can. The decision to hold the exam remotely is taken by the dean. Specific rules are laid down in the Ordinance of the WUT Rector.

  • Is the Main WUT Library open during the pandemic?

Yes, they can. For up-to-date information about how the Main WUT Library works, visit this website.

  • I am a student/PhD student and I think I might have the coronavirus. What should I do?

First of all, immediately contact your doctor and then send an e-mail to powiadomienia@pw.edu.pl with information about your suspected infection.

  • Can I expect a tuition fee discount due to the pandemic and the resulting modified teaching organization?

Students repeating a course which is even partially held remotely can receive a discount of 50%. No discounts apply if the course is held on campus.

For part-time study programs and programs taught in English the maximum fee reduction is 15% when all classes are held online. The discount is proportionate to the number of classes held remotely as a fraction of the total number of classes per semester (e.g. if half of the classes are held remotely, the applicable discount will amount to 7.5%).


  • Can visitors be received in the dormitories?

No third-party visitors are allowed in the dormitories.

  • Can social, education or team-building functions be held in the dormitories?

Unfortunately, they cannot.

  • Can I use common rooms, such as TV rooms or silent study rooms?

Yes, it is possible. The ultimate decision is taken by the dormitory director in coordination with the Residents’ Council.

  • Does the dormitory administration staff provide residents with facemasks and gloves?

Residents are requested to have their own personal protective equipment. Disinfectant dispensers will be provided at the entrances.

  • What should I do if I think I might be infected?

Contact your GP or the sanitary-epidemiological station and follow their guidance.

If you are quarantined, you are required to notify the dormitory administration team. The director will coordinate further action and send the required notification to powiadomienia@pw.edu.pl.



  • Are Erasmus+ trips possible?

Yes, you can find the detailed rules in the WUT Rector’s decision.

  • Are other (extracurricular) student trips permitted?

Yes, they are. The ultimate decision will be taken by the Rector on the basis of a request from the head of the appropriate organizational unit or the President of the Student Council.

  • What about staff and PhD students’ business travel?

Such trips are possible provided that you sign a special declaration (Annex No. 1 to Order No. 104/2020 of the WUT Rector).

  • Can I receive guests from abroad?

Yes, such persons are required to sign a special declaration (in the form specified in Annex No. 2 to Order No. 104/2020 WUT Rector).



  • Can the WUT organize conferences, training sessions and other cultural, entertainment and team-building events?

Such events may only be organized with restrictions. At a reasonable request from the head of an organizational unit, the Chancellor, the Chairman of the Student Council or the Council of Doctoral Students, as well as from the trade unions active at the University, the Rector may decide to hold a particular event on campus.

The restrictions do not apply to events held using remote means of communication (online events, etc.).


  • Do I need to cover my mouth and nose in the office space?

When the staff contact someone from outside a given room, distance must be kept and the mouth and nose must be covered.

  • Do I need to cover my mouth and nose in the WUT common areas?

Yes, and in addition, you must remember about social distancing.

  • Should documents be submitted in the usual way or by email?

Whenever possible, documents should be submitted electronically.

  • How should office space be adapted for work?

There should be a distance of 1.5 meters between particular work stations. Moreover, heads of organizational units should organize work in line with the generally available sanitary guidelines

  • Is remote work possible?

Yes, but in especially justified cases. The ultimate decision is taken by the Rector/Chancellor/Bursar (depending on reporting lines), upon the request of the head of a particular organizational unit.

  • How are employee duties impacted by remote work?

Staff members will perform their duties outside their permanent workplace and remain at the disposal of the head during remote working hours, subject to the unit’s work schedule.

  • I have symptoms of a SARS-CoV-2 infection. What should I do?

Stay home and if you develop symptoms at work – leave and go to the isolation room located within the premises of a particular organizational unit (information about such rooms can be obtained from particular units) or return home with all possible precautions and immediately contact a doctor and then your direct supervisor by e-mail or phone. In addition, please send a notification email to powiadomienia@pw.edu.pl.

  • Whom should I notify if I am put in obligatory quarantine?

Send the decision of the State Sanitary Inspector or information about the dates of the quarantine to powiadomienia@pw.edu.pl. Notify the head of the organizational unit by email or by phone.

Psychological support 

  • The coronavirus situation has had an adverse impact on my wellbeing. Is psychological counselling available at the WUT?

Yes, there is a psychologist available at the Office for Student Affairs. For information about the office hours visit the website of the Office for Student Affairs.


>> WUT and the coronavirus – important information about our university’s work

>> Coronavirus: current information and recommendations (official updates approved by the Ministry of Health or the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate, based on ECDC and WHO data)

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