The temporary hospital in Płock, whose construction was the WUT doctoral student’s responsibility, among others, is the fastest constructed building of this kind in Poland, photo: Modularsystem.
Arkadiusz Plis from the Doctoral School No. 5 participated in the design and implementation of hospitals in Płock and Ostrołęka.
His work is closely related to the academic activity as he is doing an implementation doctorate at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Mechanics and Petrochemistry at WUT in Płock. As part of his doctorate, Arkadius Plis is conducting tests on endurance and thermal properties and is researching the economic aspects of modular buildings. The hospitals in Płock and Ostrołęka were to be completed utilising modular technology. The construction was executed by Modular System, which employs our doctoral student as the chief constructor and manager of the Research and Development Department.
“I remember that on 2 November we were informed that we should create the working project, construct the modules and assemble them by the end of the month at the Research and Development Centre of PKN Orlen. The hospital in Płock was supposed to hold 200 beds, including 20 at the intensive care unit. Moreover, it was to provide fully functioning facilities for staff and patients. The hospital included a total of 97 modules with an area of approximately 2800 square metres,” recalls Arkadiusz Plis.
“At the beginning, the task seemed not feasible. We had an architectonic concept and a medical technology project. We had one month to adapt those concepts to the idea of a modular building, prepare the documents, order the materials, construct the modules, and then deliver, assemble, join, and finish the modules. Not everything was done by our company and we had to plan the work so that the other teams could perform their tasks on time,” he adds.
In spite of the tremendous workload and short deadlines, both investments were completed in time and handed over in December 2020. What is more, the modular hospital in Płock is the biggest modular facility in Poland.
Arkadiusz Plis’s responsibilities included the coordination of the project team and inter-trade agreements. However, he emphasises that teamwork played a significant role in the whole process. “We all focused on this specific task, to start with production workers, through technical and R&D department staff and managers, to end with the company board. Success would have been impossible without the involvement of a whole bunch of people.”
* Arkadiusz Plis’s supervisor is Professor Karol Prałat, DSc at WUT
Applications to the 5th edition of the Implementation Doctorate programme for the academic year of 2021/2022 may be submitted until 15 April 2021. More information is available in the bookmark Doctoral Schools.