WUT doctoral student wins an international award

Photo of Maria Stefaniak

Maria Stefaniak is pursuing her doctoral degree under a joint degree programme 

Maria Stefaniak (Faculty of Physics of the Warsaw University of Technology and Subatech-IMT Atlantique) received the Chasman Award 2021.

This distinction is awarded to female researchers working in the field of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The award aims to encourage further development and commemorate the scientific achievements of Renate W. Chasman (1932-1977) – a physicist who had an enormous impact on the development of particle accelerator physics. The Chasman Award is given by Brookhaven Women in Science (BWIS).

Maria Stefaniak is a graduate of BSc and MSc degree programmes at the WUT Faculty of Physics. She is pursuing her doctoral degree under a joint degree programme BGF Cotutelle at our University and Subatech-IMT Atlantique in France.

In her research work, she analyses the properties of highly reactive matter and its transformations between quark-gluon plasma (QGP) and gaseous state. One method enabling to recreate such extreme conditions are ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions, which result in creation of new matter. The research is conducted within the STAR experiment in the RHIC accelerator at Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Maria Stefaniak studies the relationships between two effects of collective flows: elliptic v2 and triangular v3. These are observables that characterise the shape and dynamics of the expanding newly created matter. She has observed growing differences between v3 protons and antiprotons with falling collision energy. To verify the proposed theoretical scenarios explaining the existence of differences between the flow of particles and antiparticles, she has conducted numerous tests. This unique research is an important reference point for theoretical studies into the properties of matter.

Maria Stefaniak is also involved in many research projects in collaboration with institutions from all over the world.

The scientific advisor of our doctoral student is Professor Hanna Zbroszczyk from the WUT Faculty of Physics.

More information on our award winner and the award can be found on the websites of the Faculty of Physics and of Brookhaven National Laboratory

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