The International Young Physicists’ Tournament is one of the largest and most prestigious international physics competitions for secondary school students.
Talented secondary school students from several dozen countries are competing against each other in 2019 International Young Physicists’ Tournament (IYPT), or a team-oriented competition asking the contestants to creatively solve the proposed problems in physics. The Warsaw University of Technology is the host of this year’s event.
The IYPT’s venue is the Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management (CZIiTT). This is where 350 contestants work in groups, not only presenting their solutions to specific experimental problems, but also learning how to compile and show the results, discuss and work on a team.
The main part of the tournament is the “Physics Fights”. During each round, the teams have specific roles to play as a Reporter, an Opponent and a Reviewer, respectively. The Opponent challenges the Reporter, who can either accept or reject the challenge. If the challenge is accepted, the team members have 12 minutes to prepare their presentation. The Opponent can ask questions to the presentation or offer a critical review of the proposed solution. The task of the Reviewer is to sum up the activities of both teams. The jury rates the teams’ performances on a scale from 1 to 10 and then the teams switch roles.
The grand finale and the award ceremony are scheduled for July 12th and the 2019 IYPT Organizing Committee follow-up meetings will run from July 13th till July 15th. The hosts of this year’s tournament are: the Warsaw University of Technology, the University of Warsaw, the Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Physics and the Polish Physical Society.
For detailed information about the tournament, its history and past events, visit the IYPT website.
The project is part of the celebrations to mark the centenary of Poland regaining independence and the rebirth of Polish statehood.