WUT implements the OMNIS project and extends its teaching offer

Photo of students studying in the library

The OMNIS project is to be implemented until 2029

Better adjustment of the University’s teaching offer to the needs of the labour market in key sectors and strengthening the competitiveness of our graduates – these are the main premises of the project ”OMNIS Openness. Modernisation. Modernity. Integration. Community.”. 

For development of the modern economy, the following areas are the most important: renewable energy generation, aerospace industry, agriculture and food production, as well as transport. To educate specialists who will meet the expectations of employers, the Warsaw University of Technology uses modern student-oriented teaching methods. EU funds obtained to implement the OMNIS project will help extend this offer.

 Initiatives undertaken within this project are in line with the Development Strategy of the Warsaw University of Technology and they concentrate on the vision of the University as a technical university, European, open and digitally competent – says Professor Jan Słyk, WUT Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs. – OMNIS will significantly facilitate better preparation of WUT graduates for the challenges of the job market and will allow them to have an expert position in the fields of the economy and science. Participation in the project is also an example of effective action for modern economy – he stresses. 

The project is aimed at both academic teachers and students of: bioeconomy, electrical engineering, power engineering, chemical and process engineering, materials engineering, aviation and space engineering, environment protection and transport. Students of these fields of study will be able to follow updated and new study programmes and specialisations, as well as attend trainings, courses, study visits and additional courses run by specialists in the field, or make-up courses.

Academics will upgrade their digital skills, competencies in the field of green transformation, as well as teaching skills, including modern teaching methods. This will be achieved through participation in trainings, courses, study visits and internships.

In total 1155 people will receive support within the project, including 840 who will upgrade their competences or qualifications.

OMNIS, coordinated by the Centre for Development Projects, is implemented by six WUT faculties: Electrical Engineering, Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering, Chemical and Process Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Power and Aeronautical Engineering, and Transport.

– The OMNIS project is another important step towards the completion of a comprehensive programme for modern student-oriented teaching, taking into account the needs of the social and economic environment – says Anna Rogowska, Director of the Centre for Development Projects. – I am really grateful to my team preparing the project and WUT staff who supported us – she adds. 

The project ”OMNIS Openness. Modernisation. Modernity. Integration. Community.” was awarded a subsidy within the programme European Funds for Social Development (FERS). Its value is PLN 14 075 881.02, and the European Funds contribution amounts to PLN 13 653 604.58. 

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