WUT in the Shanghai ranking of academic disciplines GRAS 2021

Zdjęcie Gmachu Głównego Politechniki Warszawskiej

We now know the best world universities in 54 academic disciplines. The Warsaw University of Technology has been classified in four disciplines and has the first place in Poland in three rankings (twice jointly with other universities).

Results in natural sciences:

  • physics - ranking 301-400 globally, 3rd place in Poland (jointly with the Jagiellonian University).

Results in the area of engineering:

  • mechanical engineering - ranking 301-400 globally, 1st place in Poland (jointly with the AGH University of Science and Technology, Łódź University of Technology, Poznań University of Technology, Rzeszów University of Technology and Wrocław University of Technology), 
  • electrical & electronic engineering - ranking 401-500 globally, 1st place in Poland (jointly with Gdańsk University of Technology),
  • instruments science & technology - ranking 151-200 globally, 1st ranking in Poland.

Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (GRAS) is an international ranking of universities in various academic disciplines. Fifty-four disciplines are classified in the ranking in five areas: natural sciences, medical sciences, social sciences, life sciences, and engineering. In total, the ranking comprises 1800 universities from 93 countries all over the world.

The ranking covers five criteria: the number of influential journal publications, the citation impact measured with the index Category Normalized Citation Impact (CNCI), international collaboration related to publications, the number of papers published in Top Journals and the number of significant scientific awards.

The GRAS ranking is a subject ranking created by the Jiao Tong University in Shanghai, which also runs the Shanghai ranking (ARWU). The ARWU Ranking is one of the four most important university rankings, along with QS, Times Higher Education and U-Multirank.

Full results are available on the ranking website

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