WUT in the Webometrics ranking

Photo of WUT Main Building

Webometrics ranking is published semiannually, photo credit: BPI

In the latest "Web of Universities” list presenting universities with the best online visibility, the Warsaw University of Technology ranked 512th worldwide (up by 22 notches). Also, it is Poland’s fourth most visible university.  

The ranking classifies nearly 12 thousand of institutions of higher education from all over the world.

Among Poland’s universities, those ranking higher than WUT are: Jagiellonian University (ranked 321st – up by 60 notches), University of Warsaw (ranked 321st – up by 52 notches) and University of Science and Technology (ranked 429th  – up by 88 notches).  

In addition, the group of the thousand best universities also includes other Polish institutions of higher education: Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (ranked 557th), University of Wrocław (ranked 754th), Silesian University of Technology (ranked 842nd), Rzeszow University of Technology (ranked 898th), Wrocław University of Science and Technology (ranked 917th), University of Lodz (ranked 971st), University of Silesia (ranked 985th), Medical University of Warsaw (ranked 990th). 

Webometrics is a ranking based on four criteria: visibility, excellence, openness and presence. 

The ranking has been published since 2004, always semiannually. It is created Cybermetrics Lab, a research group of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). 

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