WUT in the ranking Times Higher Education WUR 2025

Times Higher Education World University Ranking has been published since 2014.

In the latest edition of the ranking, the Warsaw University of Technology, like last year, was ranked 1201–1500. At the same time, the University got a higher number of points compared with last year.

Times Higher Education World University Ranking is a global ranking of various HEIs from over 100 countries and territories. In 2024 it covers over 2000 universities, including 40 from Poland.

For the ninth time in a row, University of Oxford has been ranked at the top. Massachusetts Institute of Technology has moved up to the second place and Harvard University has the third ranking.

Among Polish universities, the highest ranking was awarded to Medical University of Wrocław, which was ranked 501-600. Jagiellonian University and Warsaw University were ranked 601-800.

The ranking is based on 18 indices, grouped in five areas: Teaching, Research Environment, Research Quality, Industry Collaboration and International Outlook. An important element of evaluation is also the result of the Academic Reputation Survey, in which academic experts – scientists, researchers and academic staff – subjectively evaluate universities on the basis of their knowledge and experience in different areas of science.

Compared with last year, the Warsaw University of Technology has improved its results in the areas of teaching, industry collaboration and international outlook.

Full results of the ranking are available at www.timeshighereducation.com.

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