WUT included in the Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2019

The Main Building of Warsaw University of Technology

photo: Office for Promotion and Information

The world’s best universities in 54 academic subjects have been revealed. The Warsaw University of Technology was included in the ranking list for eight academic subjects: mathematics, physics, mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, telecommunication engineering, instruments science and technology, metallurgical engineering and chemical engineering.

It ranked highest for instruments science and technology (101–150 – up from the 151–200 group), metallurgical engineering (151–200), mechanical engineering (201–300) and telecommunication engineering (201–300). It was listed in the 301–400 group for mathematics, physics and chemical engineering. WUT was also classified in the 401–500 group for electrical and electronic engineering.

ShanghaiRanking’s Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (GRAS) is an international ranking of universities’ performance in particular academic disciplines. The 54 academic subjects included in the ranking list were grouped into five areas: natural, medical, social and life sciences, as well as engineering.

The ranking list is based on five criteria: the number of papers authored by an institution in an Academic Subject, Category Normalized Citation Impact from InCites to measure average impact of papers authored by an institution in an Academic Subject, the percentage of internationally co-authored papers authored by an institution in an Academic Subject, the number of papers published in top journals and conferences in an Academic Subject, the total number of the staff of an institution winning a significant award in an Academic Subject

For full results, visit the ranking website

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