WUT is creating a New Technologies Campus

Signatories of the agreement, photo by Grzegorz Banaszek

Signatories of the agreement, photo by Grzegorz Banaszek

The Warsaw University of Technology will receive financing from the EU to create a New Technologies Campus (NTC) and purchase specialist research equipment. The EU funds will enable the implementation of innovative projects based on the living lab concept. The Board of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship has decided to allocate over PLN 82.5 million to the project under the Regional Operational Programme of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship (RPO WM) 2014-2020. The relevant agreement was signed by Adam Struzik, Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, and Professor Jan Szmidt, PhD Eng., Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology.

The New Technologies Campus project will be unique due to its scale and the possibility to integrate comprehensive solutions dedicated to the life of people living and working in modern cities (smart living) in one “living lab”. The campus will comprise over a dozen buildings and public spaces, which will be located in WUT grounds and in Zamienie near Warsaw. The project will be implemented by a scientific consortium led by the Warsaw University of Technology, Pro-Development and W&B MOLD – WB.

From left to right: Professor Jan Szmidt, Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology, and Adam Struzik, Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Professor Stanisław Wincenciak, PhD Eng., Vice-Rector for Development, photo by Grzegorz Banaszek

From left to right: Professor Jan Szmidt, Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology, and Adam Struzik, Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Professor Stanisław Wincenciak, PhD Eng., Vice-Rector for Development, photo by Grzegorz Banaszek

The Warsaw New Technologies Campus will include sensor-ridden, hi-tech buildings with residential premises, offices, co-working rooms, informal meeting zones, public space and all kinds of facilities related to everyday life, work and rest in a city. Various companies have already expressed interest in using these facilities to test e.g. photovoltaic powered bioclimatic facades that control temperature, lighting and ventilation, smart furniture, telemedicine solutions and inclusive education solutions. In addition, the Warsaw living lab will include metered open public spaces that will be used for testing purposes, fully automated car parks, recreational space, bicycle and safety systems, as well as systems ensuring user comfort. The New Technologies Campus living lab will be complemented by state-of-the-art clean rooms for producing prototypes of smart furniture or “active” household appliances. The New Technologies Campus will be used for conducting final tests of new Internet of Things solutions among target users. Another important element of the project is the research part, which enhances the capabilities of the Warsaw University of Technology in the area of new technologies and Industry 4.0 challenges. Ultimately, the infrastructure will be used by the best scientists and business entities that stand out in the market.

The project is part of the strategic approach implemented by the Warsaw University of Technology, aimed at establishing effective collaboration with business at an international level. Its comprehensiveness will be ensured by connecting it with the Centre for Advanced Materials and Technologies (CEZAMAT) and the Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management (CZIiTT) into an “innovation and technology transfer ecosystem”.

Project title: New Technologies Campus. Innovation Accelerator of the Warsaw University of Technology

Beneficiary: The Warsaw University of Technology

A total value of the project: PLN 136,203,149.25

Funding amount: PLN 82,533,090.44

Measure: 1.1 R&D activity of scientific institutions

About RPO WM 2014-2020

The Mazowieckie Voivodeship has over PLN 8 billion at its disposal under the Regional Operational Programme of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship (RPO WM) 2014-2020, aimed mainly at self-governments, entrepreneurs, the scientific and non-governmental sectors. Detailed information about the current and planned competitions is available on www.funduszedlamazowsza.eu. Competitions are announced by the Mazovian Unit of EU Programmes Implementation and the Voivodeship Employment Office in Warsaw. The maximum funding amounts to 80 percent of the project value. 31 competitions for a total of PLN 603 million have been planned for 2018.

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