How do Polish cities and districts develop? For over a decade, the scientists from the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences, the authors of 'Ranking of Sustainable Development of Local Governments' have been trying to answer this question.
The 'founding father' of the Ranking is Prof. Eugeniusz Sobczak from WUT’s Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences. His own research methodology allows the determination of the level of development in three main areas: social, economic and environmental protection. “The main inspiration for doing research on development of Local Government Units (especially measuring their socio-economic development) on the local level of rural and urban districts was Poland’s preparation for the accession to the EU. The atmosphere of that time incited competition, shaped hopes for means of assistance and aid ie. structural funds, rural development funds and the Cohesion Fund and raised questions whether we would manage to compete with fifteen highly developed countries which have been members of the EU for so many years" recalls Prof. Eugeniusz Sobczak.
The methodology comprises 16 variables for boroughs and 17 for voivodeships:
(1 computer = +1p)
Further improved
At first, all variables were to receive an equal number of points, but after the initial calculation of the score (Human Development Index) the scientists realised that there are three variables which determine the score. These are: capital spending on investments, on transport and networking, as well as GDP per capita. And that is why they decided to score the above-mentioned categories lower, Prof. Sobczak explained.
'Ranking of Sustainable Development of Local Governments' is being constantly developed and improved. Many changes have been implemented over the past few years and its authors have no intention of stopping now.
"The set of variables is not set in stone and there is a need of expanding it because of the disproportion between the number of economic variables (8) and the social and environmental protection ones" (5&3 respectively), says the creator of the Ranking.
Where does the popularity and innovation of the “Ranking of Sustainable Development of Local Governments” come from?
"It is simply because there are stimulants and destimulants in the set of variables and they explain achievements and negligence in the development of the Local Government Units. One of the Ranking’s main goals is to promote socio-economic development of the LGUs (promoting good practices) and not self-promotion of the research unit', Prof. Sobczak explains.
We can mention a few other aspects which influence the evaluation of the Ranking introduced by the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences at the Warsaw University of Technology:
The latest Ranking
We are just before the announcement of the next edition of 'Ranking of Sustainable Development of Local Governments'. This year it will be presented in two versions:
"We expect that there will be some Local Government Units which will achieve a high level of dynamics due to the intensification of activities towards development (increased spending on investments, transport and networking). There are many local councils among the laureates distinguished for dynamics who are not awarded for the level ", says Prof. Sobczak. "The general conclusions from the rankings and research in this area indicate that there is an increasing polarization of activities towards development, as well as the level of development. We can definitely predict that the main cities such as Warsaw, Wrocław, Poznań, Kraków, Katowice, the 'Tri-city' (comprising Gdańsk, Sopot and Gdynia) and Łódź will be growing and increasing their development whilst the sub-regional centres and the periphery (including the local county centres)will slow down their development", Prof. Sobczak sums up.