WUT joined the scientific consortium Pol-Stor-En

The Polish consortium Pol-Stor-En comprises 7 scientific entities, fot. BPI PW

- Electric mobility and battery manufacturing in Europe can only be enabled through cooperation between three sectors: the government, the science and the business - said Minister of Energy, Krzysztof Tchórzewski, during an event celebrating the formation of the scientific consortium Pol-Stor-En by seven scientific entities. The Warsaw University of Technology is the Consortium Leader.

On February 21, 2018, a scientific consortium was established at the Ministry of Energy with the primary purpose to increase the scientific potential for energy storage technologies and to work with the industry.

The Polish consortium Pol-Stor-En comprises: AGH University of Science and Technology, the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, the Gdańsk University of Technology, the Poznań University of Technology, the Warsaw University of Technology, the Jagiellonian University and the University of Warsaw.

Cooperation between those scientific entities is necessary to make manufacturing of state-of-the-art fuel cells and supercapacitors possible in Poland.

Professor Jan Szmidt, the Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology, emphasized the role of collaboration between scientific entities on this project. - Poland’s universities can only make a significant contribution to the economy if we join our forces - he said. - The consortium formed today will be focused on improving certain existing energy sources but will also make a step further to create new innovative solutions. And I am certain we are bound to succeed.

Minister of Energy, Krzysztof Tchórzewski, underscored that Pol-Stor-En embodies the concepts set out in strategic documents developed at the Ministry of Energy such as the Electric Mobility Development Roadmap and Directions of Energy Innovation Development. In addition, the effort is complementary to EU-sponsored projects.

Vice-Minister of Energy, Michał Kurtyka, pointed out that the European Commission had recently issued an initiative called EU Battery Alliance to create a competitive value chain and to set up battery cell production in Europe. - Today’s agreement shows that Poland can be an active player in the project and is willing to cooperate in the development of energy storage technologies and in building a strong electric-vehicle battery manufacturing sector in Europehe - said. He noted that we have also access to the necessary raw material resources required to manufacture batteries and businesses in Poland have the potential to engage in the development of that sector.

Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology Jadwiga Emilewicz believes that the establishment of the consortium Pol-Stor-En is another step in the creation of best possible conditions for electric mobility in Poland. - Batteries are the fuel of the future - said the Minister. - And Poland wants to be among the leading exporters. Operations of the consortium Pol-Stor-En will bring us closer to that goal.

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