WUT joins world efforts to unravel the mysteries of antimatter with the AEgIS experiment at CERN

photo credit: CERN

photo credit: CERN

The Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology on 21st of October of 2020 signed the Memorandum of Understanding with CERN allowing WUT to become a full member of the AEgIS Collaboration.

The AEgIS experiment (Antihydrogen Experiment: Gravity, Interferometry, Spectroscopy) aims to measure the gravitational fall of an antihydrogen pulsed beam. The WUT group, coordinated by Dr Georgy Kornakov from the Faculty of Physics, is formed by scientists from faculties of Electronics and Information Technology and Physics and it will have a leading role in the design and implementation of a new control and acquisition scheme based on quantum electronics.

The group will be involved in the test of the weak equivalence principle with antimatter and it will explore the frontier between the electromagnetic and nuclear interactions using antiprotonic atoms. These exotic objects are bound states where one atomic electron is substituted by an antiproton. The lightest of which is the bound state of a proton and an antiproton, called protonium. Active research is ongoing and several research opportunities in subatomic physics, electronics or photonics are currently open supported by the POB HEP within the Excellence Initiative - Research University initiative. 

For further information you can contact Dr. Georgy Kornakov.

Webpage of the AEgIS experiment.

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