WUT’s CMYK Student Research Group is working on a Braille typewriter

A fragment of text in Braille

A fragment of text in Braille

Students from the Warsaw University of Technology, working within the CMYK Student Research Group, aim to develop a Braille typewriter from scratch using readily available materials. The work is divided into two stages: copying existing solutions and then improving upon them.

The goal of the project is to develop a machine that embosses letters in compliance with the EU directive. However, that is only the technical objective.

 “In our project, we focus on inclusivity. Unfortunately, the current costs of such equipment are high. Our goal is to develop a typewriter at the lowest possible price while also raising awareness about the challenges faced by people with disabilities. We aim to highlight the issue—by providing a functional machine, we can help people experience the problem firsthand and understand what a solution might look like," says Bartłomiej Kucisz, President of the CMYK Student Research Group.

The work began in September. The students have completed all the orders and are already working on the first part of the project, which is expected to be finished by the end of the month.

“Currently, three people from the technical section are working on the project, while at the same time, our section are working on implementing it for the Great Fund. We hope that, over time, more people will join in to help both with developing the device and promoting it at fairs and events at the Warsaw University of Technology,” adds Bartłomiej Kucisz.

The work is taking place in the student research group's office in Konwiktorska Street at the Division of Printing Technology.

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