15th of November is one the most important dates in the Warsaw University of Technology’s calendar. On that day we celebrate the WUT’s Day. The whole academic society is engaged in different ceremonies and happenings.

Starting from the 15th of November, when the Special WUT’s Senate session will take place, many different events will be held around the WUT for several of days.

Programme of the events:

Tuesday, the 15th November

  • 11.00: the Special WUT’s Senate session in the Small Aula

Wednesday, the 16th November

  • 14.00: Symposium on „60th anniversary of Polish November at the Warsaw University of Technology” in the Alumnus Club
  • 15.30: Commemoration of WUT students and employees who died fighting for Poland  - laying wreaths by the plaques in the Main Aula of WUT
  • 17.00: Ceremony of awarding the Golden Book Diplomas to the best WUT graduates for their achievements in the Small Aula of WUT. Performance of the Song and Dance Ensemble of Warsaw University of Technology after the ceremony.

Thursday, the 17th November

  • 18.00: Concert: 60th anniversary of STODOŁA Club in the Main Aula

Friday, the 18th November

  • 18.00 and 20.00: WUT Theater presents Farrago in the Main Aula, r. 227 Math Building

Saturday, the 19th November

  • 09.15, 10.15, 11.15:  Tours of WUT with WUT Museum
  • 10.00: XIII  Run for the Rector's Cup at the “Syrenka” (“Mermaid”) Stadium
  • 15.00: The Golden Chalk Awards for the best academic teachers. Gala will take place in the Main Aula of WUT.
  • 18.00:  Miss & Mister of WUT –  Final Gala in the Main Aula with „The Engineers Band” concert

Sunday, the 20th November

  • 11.00, 14.00 Tour Guide (Discover WUT’s mysteries)
  • 18.30: Mass celebrating  anniversary of the Warsaw University of Technology in the Church of the Holy Saviour

Monday, the 21th November

  • 18.00: Movie at WUT - „Now you see me” in the Main Aula
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