Robotics can help solve many problems in various sectors of Indian economy, for example in agriculture or transport. First, specialists in this area are needed, which will be catered for by an international consortium the Warsaw University of Technology is a member of.
Within the project, three centres for robotics and autonomous systems will be established. They will have prototyping equipment and software. Renown experts from EU countries, including some from the Warsaw University of Technology, will train researchers from 22 faculties of Indian universities.
Existing robotics courses for students will be updated, new ones will be established. Professionals working in the established centres will be able to use a uniform training programme, expanding their knowledge and perfecting their skills. In addition, a cooperation platform will be created between the centres.
The aim of the project is also to provide trainings to support development of innovations, start-ups and aspirations of Indian entrepreneurs operating in the field of robotics.
Within the Erasmus+ programme, the European Union has allocated three years of funding to the amount of 800 thousand Euro for the project ”Capacity Building in Robotics & Autonomous Systems in India” (IRAS-HUB).
As the representatives of the Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology in Delhi (IIIT-Delhi), project leader, stress, robotics may offer developing countries, such as India, numerous opportunities in the area of, for example, manufacturing, agriculture, transport, logistics or even space exploration. Cooperation with partners and EU funds will accelerate transformations in the country and boost general technological progress.
IRAS-HUB Project includes 10 partners from 5 countries. Apart from IIIT-Delhi and the Warsaw University of Technology, consortium members are: International Institute of Information Technology in Hyderabad, Indian Institute of Information Technology in Allahabad, Genoa University in Italy, Rovira and Virgili University in Spain, Greek company Creative Thinking Development, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University in Delhi, Indian company Addverb Technologies and Technical University of Crete in Greece.
Project coordinator at the Warsaw University of Technology is Professor Teresa Zielińska from the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering. The team comprises staff of the Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics of the Faculty and the Institute of Control and Computation Engineering at the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology.