WUT scientist with a prestigious prize

Piotr Samczyński on the right

Piotr Samczyński, D.Sc. Eng., from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, has received the Fred Nathanson Memorial Radar Award for outstanding contribution to the field of passive radar imaging. Samczyński became the first Pole awarded in the contest’s history.

The award ceremony took place on 10th of May 2017, during the IEEE Radar conference in Seattle, USA. Doctor Samczyński works at the Electronics System Institute,  at the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology.  Since 2003 he has been a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

The purpose of this award is to grant international recognition for outstanding contributions to the radar art by IEEE/AESS members. The goals of the Radar Systems Panel in granting this award are to encourage individual effort and to foster increased participation by developing radar engineers.

This award is in honor of the late Fred Nathanson, and is sponsored by the IEEE Radar Systems Panel of the Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society.

More information is available at www.ieee-aess.org


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