WUT scientist with a prestigious prize

phot. BPI

The 12th Seitaro Nakamura Prize for the recent article "Microscopic description of production cross sections including deexcitation effects" Phys. Rev. C 96, 014615 (2017) has been awarded to Dr. Kazuyuki Sekizawa (Warsaw University of Technology).

This prize is given by the Particle Physics Society in Japan for a single-authored article by researchers (without a permanent position) from particle physics, cosmology or nuclear physics. It is the first time, the prize is given for achievements in the field of low-energy nuclear theory.

Dr. Kazuyuki Sekizawa will give an award lecture at Japan Physical Society Annual Meeting in March 2018.

The award has been officially announced: https://www2.yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~soryushi.shogakukai/ (in Japanese).

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