Marek Kania won one of 17 Polish medals in Lake Placid, photo: Facebook / Paweł Skraba
Marek Kania from the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering stood on the podium of the Winter University Games in Lake Placid. Our student was third in the 500m skating race.
Marek has already taken part in the Olympic Games, World and European Championships, but he went to an academic event for the first time. And it was an extremely successful debut. It started with an honoured role as the ensign of the Polish national team during the opening ceremony, and ended with a bronze medal.
The competition with the participation of the student of the Warsaw University of Technology brought a lot of emotions. Marek competed in the last pair, so it was clear that the final results would be known after this race. Our competitor was chasing his opponent for almost the entire distance. And he did it- he crossed the finish line just ahead of him.
- The finish was surprising, also for me, because I left the bend behind my rival, but I managed to beat him, Marek said immediately after the race. - I must admit that on the last straight a quick thought crossed my mind that it could be a fight for a medal, because we were going neck and neck, I added one, two, three more steps, stuck out my foot and it worked.
More than 1,500 student-athletes from over 50 countries took part in the Winter University Games in Lake Placid (12-22 January 2023). The Polish team won 17 medals (five gold, six silver and six bronze).