WUT student with the Scientific Award of the President of the Polish Space Agency

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Source: pixabay

The competition rewards papers dealing with space engineering

Michał Hałoń won the 1st Degree Award for his master’s thesis entitled "Wykrywanie i rozpoznawanie znaczników na zawody robotów mobilnych European Rover Challenge” [Marker detection and recognition for the mobile robot competition European Rover Challenge].

This is the first instalment of the competition recognizing diploma theses (engineer’s and master’s theses) which address issues of space engineering (both theoretical aspects and practical applications). The competition is open to entrants who defend their thesis at a university in Poland in the academic year preceding the year of award. This year, there were six winners: three for engineer’s theses and three for master’s theses.

Michał Hałoń is a PhD student at the Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology. In 2018, he received a master’s degree in Automation and Robotics with an excellent result from the Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering. His scientific interests include image processing and biometric applications for mobile devices.

Sources: POLSA and the Biometrics and Machine Learning Team

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