WUT students took second place at Malta Blockchain Summit

The hardware token, photo by Bartosz Barwikowski

The hardware token, photo by Bartosz Barwikowski

The winners were selected by an esteemed panel of Hackathon judges, including Scott Stornetta, Charles Hokinson, Ilya Smagin, Cataldo Franzone, and Lucas Park. In second place came TPass – the team comprised of students from WUT Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science (Bartosz Barwikowski, Łukasz Skarzyński, Łukasz Berwid, Konrad Daroch).

The leitmotif of the hackathon, which took place at the turn of October and November 2018, was to create the best solution based on blockchain technology.

The solution created by WUT students allows you to login to any website or service by scanning the QR code using your phone - The next step is to confirm the login on the hardware token - Bartosz Barwikowski explains. - Then two transactions are sent on the blockchain, which verifies the user, and the user is recognized on the basis of his unique public key. Thanks to this, there is no need to use logins and passwords, and in order to hack the user, the hacker would have to hack our device, such as. e.g. a smartphone and physically steal our hardware token.

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