WUT students won EDP University Challenge

2018 EDP University Challenge winners, photo by SKNEN

2018 EDP University Challenge winners, photo by SKNEN

On October 4, 2018 awards were handed out in a competition addressing the issues of renewable energy sources. The top spot went to three students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and members of the Non-Conventional Energy Student Research Group (SKNEN) operating at the WUT Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering.

The contenders were required to prepare a project in one of the four set areas: innovation; performance; marketing and strategy; or sustainable growth. The following team representing WUT: Mikołaj Koszel, Iwo Piętak and Emanuel Zawodnik, supervised by Tomasz Gajowik, did the best in that challenge! Their proposed concept of “ChargNet: Electromobility Starts Here” won over the audience and the jury alike, leading the latter to award it the grand prize.

This year’s distinction is not the first one in SKNEN’s history of competing in EDP University Challenge. In 2017, SKNEN members won the 3rd place with their idea of “Eco-Train – The Train of the Future.”

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